Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Bouddhanath is the biggest Buddhist Stupa structure in Nepal, standing like a jewel in the center of the Valley's Mandala. From its very beginning, the Stupa was erected as a pilgrimage site and a Tibetan Dharma powerplace. Stories abound on pilgrims coming from Tibet, Sikkim or Ladakh, who following the old salt road were going through Bouddhanath .Guru Rimpoche (Padma Sambhava) foretold what would happen, if people did not respect Dharma principles. It was in Samye Ling (Tibet) that once Guru Rimpoche, the eight century Tantric Guru who brought Vajrayana Buddhism to Tibet, gave to King Trisondetsen and his twenty-five close disciples, the Prophecy of the Great Stupa

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